All right, it’s time for the big diaper debate: cloth vs. disposable. Early on in my pregnancy with Lincoln I discovered cloth diapers and immediately fell in love with the… Continue Reading

All right, it’s time for the big diaper debate: cloth vs. disposable. Early on in my pregnancy with Lincoln I discovered cloth diapers and immediately fell in love with the… Continue Reading
It's 10:50 pm and I'm currently sitting in the rocker in L's room, a passed out toddler curled into me. He took a long time to fall asleep...
Awww, it's baby Lincoln. Gosh I miss that baby. (For the record, two-year-old Lincoln's pretty rad, too. But geez...
Well, it finally happened. Lincoln lost his first tooth. After seeing his friends start to lose teeth as young as four, he was getting pretty...
2022 Mom's Gift Guide: It's that time of year where my family starts emailing each other, asking if everyone's wishlists are updated. In our...
DIY Spider Spray. For when your classroom or home is infested with eight-legged creatures. My new classroom has some serious issues. Every...
So far so good for the New Year- both my kids slept in today. Thank goodness, because L was up until just past...
You guys. I found a way to get Lincoln to eat green beans. Without complaining. I'm jotting down this quick and simple recipe now before I forget...
Hey there! I'm Jordyn. Wife to Chris, mama to Link. (By the way, check out that toddler drool in the pic above–we were bribing him to smile with...
We kicked our Earth Day weekend off today with a fun trip to a local botanical garden, and after a day out in the sun we were wiped! We had so...