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Toddler Affirmations

Toddler Affirmations

It's 10:50 pm and I'm currently sitting in the rocker in L's room, a passed out toddler curled into me.   He took a long time to fall asleep tonight, then kept waking up and playing with some of the toys that were in his bed. He was a little jazzed, because he...

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What to do with kids’ baby teeth?

What to do with kids’ baby teeth?

Well, it finally happened. Lincoln lost his first tooth. After seeing his friends start to lose teeth as young as four, he was getting pretty anxious that none of his teeth had fallen out by the ripe age of six and three quarters. Meanwhile, I was thrilled it was...

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2022 Mom’s Gift Guide

2022 Mom’s Gift Guide

2022 Mom's Gift Guide: It's that time of year where my family starts emailing each other, asking if everyone's wishlists are updated. In our extended family, it's holiday and a big birthday season, so everyone's eager to figure out what the others are currently into....

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DIY Spider Spray.

DIY Spider Spray.

DIY Spider Spray. For when your classroom or home is infested with eight-legged creatures.  My new classroom has some serious issues. Every time I've gone there, I'm greeted by yet another spider, web, or both. It's got to stop. My principal has already killed...

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I’ve always wanted to be a mom, and these two right here are my most treasured gifts on this Earth. They share my love of musical soundtracks, books, and Disneyland. (But what kid doesn’t love Disneyland?)