Sometimes I think it would be amazing to have a winter wonderland lake view out my window. I mean, look at those frosted tree branches! That still...

Graphing Linear Equations | Engaging Activity for Teaching Slope-Intercept Form
This last school year I taught 7th grade math for the first time, after over a decade in 8th grade math, and it was a real eye-opener for me....

Cloth vs Disposable Diapers: The Costs
All right, it’s time for the big diaper debate: cloth vs. disposable. Early on in my pregnancy with Lincoln I discovered cloth diapers and immediately fell in love with the… Continue Reading

Toddler Affirmations
It's 10:50 pm and I'm currently sitting in the rocker in L's room, a passed out toddler curled into me. He took a long time to fall asleep...

What to do with kids’ baby teeth?
Well, it finally happened. Lincoln lost his first tooth. After seeing his friends start to lose teeth as young as four, he was getting pretty...

Granulomatous Mastitis: Part 5
Brief Synopsis: I was diagnosed with a somewhat rare condition called idiopathic granulomatous mastitis in August 2018. Because of its rarity,...

Granulomatous Mastitis: Part 4
Brief Synopsis: I was diagnosed with a somewhat rare condition called idiopathic granulomatous mastitis in August 2018. Because of it’s rarity,...

Green Beans and Shrimp Stir Fry
You guys. I found a way to get Lincoln to eat green beans. Without complaining. I'm jotting down this quick and simple recipe now before I forget...

Transfer pictures from Photos app to Lightroom
Tonight Lincoln went to bed fairly quickly and easily, which is giving me a lot of time to sit down at my computer and finally get to organizing my...

Granulomatous Mastitis: Part 3
Brief Synopsis: I was diagnosed with a somewhat rare condition called idiopathic granulomatous mastitis in August 2018. Because of it’s rarity,...