We kicked our Earth Day weekend off today with a fun trip to a local botanical garden, and after a day out in the sun we were wiped! We had so much fun, but it was a long day, and Lincoln went right down at 6:30 tonight. Not going to lie, I followed right after, thinking I would just take a nap to take the tired edge off, then jump right back to my lesson planning for Monday… but instead I just woke up, at 1a.m! (So I guess technically we visited the gardens yesterday.) Seeing as I’m much more refreshed now (and still have a ton that I need to do), here I am in the middle of the night, lesson planning, uploading some pics from the day, answering some emails, with laundry going in the background. But I also wanted to share some awesome finds I’ve stumbled across lately that are perfect for sharing on Earth Day!

Awesome Earth Day Stuff

  1. Make Laundry, Not Landfill. Want to know why us crazy people love cloth diapering? Here’s one of the reasons!
  2. DIY cloth pads. Been looking into this a lot more recently. And they look sooooo easy to make yourself.
  3. Um, yes please, says Lincoln. Build-a-Bug! What a simple, AWESOME activity for toddlers!
  4. Planning to make a backyard garden? Here’s some simple tips to get you started!
  5. For my teacher people, here are tons of ideas to get students thinking about the Earth and how to save it.

Happy Earth Day, everyone!