>  Teaching  <

I’ve taught middle school math for the last twelve years, mostly 8th grade, with a couple years of intervention support. I’ve spent a lot of time this past decade creating activities for my class. This year I’m moving down to 7th grade, and I’m excited to start making some fun new activities for my new class!

 I frequently add activities to my Teachers Pay Teachers store, Math Equals Fun. My goal is to create the most engaging activities that will make your students bummed to ever leave math class!

Members of my Math Equals Fun mailing list get special freebies throughout the year–sign up on the right, under the pic of Lincoln holding the happy mail. 🙂

Math Equals Fun
DIY Spider Spray.

DIY Spider Spray.

DIY Spider Spray. For when your classroom or home is infested with eight-legged creatures.  My new classroom has some serious issues. Every time I've gone there, I'm greeted by yet another spider, web, or both. It's got to stop. My principal has already killed...

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Systems of Equations: Bingo Activity

Systems of Equations: Bingo Activity

We made it to spring break! Hallelujah! But seriously, the last few weeks? Crazy Town. Absolute Crazy Town. We're at that time of year when suddenly that whole idea of "testing" seems to come out of nowhere and slap everyone in the face. Suddenly "testing" has a date....

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Classroom Movement Activities: Walk Arounds

Classroom Movement Activities: Walk Arounds

We had a short six-day mid-winter break this week, and it cut right into the last bit of my Pythagorean Theorem unit. Rather than go ahead with teaching the last section (rational/irrational numbers and decimal to fraction conversions) and then going straight to the...

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Inauguration Day

So today we had this thing in America called the inauguration for the new president of the United States. My school is awesome, and carved out time during first and second modules for the students to be able to watch it. I wasn't too sure how they're reactions would...

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It’s that time of year again…

T-1 days until school officially starts. And once again I’ve a mix of feelings. These feelings include: excitement devastation creativity disappointment energetic exhausted thinking, “yeah, I’m the best teacher ever!” thinking, “holy crap, how did I ever get hired to...

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