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Oily Delivery
I've started videoing our monthly Young Living package opening, since apparently it's the cool thing to do these days. Mostly I just love Lincoln's reactions, because he LOVES opening our package...
Shrimp with Quinoa and Spinach
Lincoln has had an amazing food day today. And by that, I mean he has probably had the most healthy eating day he's ever had in his little life (breastfeeding days excluded, of course). It's been so...
Thyroiditis: My New Nemesis
As much as I love this little monkey so, so much**, I've got to admit something: momming has been really hard lately. This is due in part to this crazy thyroiditis I developed around Christmastime....
Lincoln at 15 months
Oh my goodness, this kid is so much fun these days. 1) He loves doing chores. It started with the broom. He loved carrying the broom around. He'd have a fit if we actually took the broom to do some...

The end of nursing
This week I nursed my baby for the very last time. Tears. Not going to lie, I still feel a bit in denial. Like we're just taking a bit of a break, and he'll be right back at it tomorrow. But I know...
Inauguration Day
So today we had this thing in America called the inauguration for the new president of the United States. My school is awesome, and carved out time during first and second modules for the students...
2016 Goal Update
If anyone's been following my blog for a length of time, you'll know that every year I participate in the One Little Word challenge. It's easy. Step 1: Pick a word that describes how you want your...
We'll, we're on our way back home from another fabulous Christmas in Yucaipa. It was cold enough there that it actually FELT like Christmas. It even almost snowed! As usual, we did not get a...
Christmas Day
As usual, Christmas has been a long, slow day of relaxing, eating, and opening presents at Chris' parent's house. The usual suspects are here: mom and dad, Chris and me, Sarah and Justin, Grandpa...

Lincoln at 11 Months
11 months! How is that even possible! Products used: Liz Tamanaha's Paislee Press & Project Life kits
Oh, my goodness, we are at November already.So much for my commitment to blog more frequently. My last post was August 24th!So here's just a quick life update while Lincoln naps and I finish my...

Lincoln at 10 Months | Digital Baby Book
This baby continues to grow and grow. Luckily his joy and easy-going personality are growing, too! It's hard to believe his digital baby scrapbook is nearing its end!

Lincoln at 9 Months
Still going strong with this baby book project!
Life right now.
Well, school's back in full swing again! This is my first year teaching my regular math class while simultaneously being a mama, and I fully expect this year to be ridiculous. Gone are the days of...

Lincoln at 8 Months
Slowly but surely... 😉 At 8 months, Lincoln... - weighs 14 pounds, 10 ounces - pulls himself up on things easily - has started searching all the drawers and shelves in the house for interesting...

Baby PSA: Plagiocephaly
Our little monkey's rocking some new head gear these days. Something they don't mention at the hospital when they let you take your lovely newborn home? Watching out for signs of a flat head,...

Lincoln at 7 months
Again, behind with the months, but I'm slowly catching up! Lincoln turned 7 months on June 15, just in time to kick off the summer! Here's his digital baby book page for the month. He was not AT ALL...

Paislee Press May Guest Designer
In May I got to be a guest designer for Paislee Press. Paislee Press is run by my absolute favorite scrapbook designer, Liz Tamanaha, so I was pretty thrilled to get to play with all the brand new...

Lincoln at 6 Months
So, Lincoln actually turned 7 months a few days ago. But as our May was crazy, and the beginning of June was all about the final push to the end of the school year... I just did his 6 month page a...
Tuesday blues
It is 8:54 and I have achieved my main goal of the day by being in bed before 9. I am so thankful this day is over.Lincoln woke up around 4am and took his sweet time going back to sleep, so I've...