So, Lincoln actually turned 7 months a few days ago. But as our May was crazy, and the beginning of June was all about the final push to the end of the school year… I just did his 6 month page a couple days ago.
And, wow! So much has changed from those 6 month stats! At 6 months, Lincoln was trying desperately to crawl, he’d just started eating solids, and bedtime was becoming a bit frustrating for us. Not to give away too many spoilers for his 7 month page, but he crawls all over the house now (and has totally set his eyes on walking next), he eats everything, and puts himself to sleep pretty easily now, for a full 12-hour night. What will 8 months bring?!
At six months, Lincoln…
– weighs about 13.5 pounds
– loves avocados and prunes, and also eats sweet potatoes, squash, and peas
– hardly ever spits up anymore
– puts his own pacifier back in his mouth
– takes longer naps during the day (finally!)
– is really hard to change because he flips to his stomach and tries to squirm away, every time.
– doesn’t like when we leave him alone to play
– army crawls everywhere
– can sit up when we prop his arms in front of him
And here’s the final page for his baby book!

What a little sweetheart! He is so darn cute!
Aw, thank you!
He is so cute! And look at all his accomplishments. Good job, parents!
So sweet to say that. It’s all him, he’s an amazing kiddo.
What a cutie pie! My little guy loved avocados at 6 months too! He doesn’t anymore UGH he will be two in two months lol
Oh my gosh, L stopped liking SO many things that he used to love. Avocados, eggs, broccoli…
This is SUCH a great idea!!! I totally want to do this for my son!!
I’m so glad I did. I really let the ball slip on his fill-in-the-blanks store bought baby book, so I’m glad I committed to this one for all those details!