And.... it's done! I present to you Lincoln's (finally finished) digital baby book. Before Lincoln was born , I scrapbooked a ton. A ton. Digital...

And.... it's done! I present to you Lincoln's (finally finished) digital baby book. Before Lincoln was born , I scrapbooked a ton. A ton. Digital...
I have been so bad this last year at keeping up with our family's Project Life. If only there were like six more hours in the day, I could get so...
I congratulated myself a year ago on how awesome I was to finish Lincoln's baby book (the digital scrapbook, project life type version at least)...
Well, he may be closer to 2 than 1 now, but I got the page done! 🙂
This baby continues to grow and grow. Luckily his joy and easy-going personality are growing, too! It's hard to believe his digital baby scrapbook...
Again, behind with the months, but I'm slowly catching up! Lincoln turned 7 months on June 15, just in time to kick off the summer! Here's his...
So, Lincoln actually turned 7 months a few days ago. But as our May was crazy, and the beginning of June was all about the final push to the end of...
Oh, my tiny little monkey. I just love him so much. He wants to crawl so badly, and he is interested in everything all the time. I never thought...
 Oh, this stinking cutie. I can't handle him sometimes. I feel like he has an old soul. Maybe it's the hair, but he really seems so much older...
Little Monkey's three month page came together quickly. He's up to so much these days, it was pretty easy coming up with some journaling for this...