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Granulomatous Mastitis: Part 1
Brief Synopsis: I was diagnosed with a somewhat rare condition called idiopathic granulomatous mastitis in August 2018. Because of it's rarity, there's not a lot of helpful info on this crazy...
About (from 2018)
Hey there! I'm Jordyn. Wife to Chris, mama to Link. (By the way, check out that toddler drool in the pic above–we were bribing him to smile with doughnuts.) By day I teach 8th grade math, by night I...
Earth Day
We kicked our Earth Day weekend off today with a fun trip to a local botanical garden, and after a day out in the sun we were wiped! We had so much fun, but it was a long day, and Lincoln went...

Let’s Talk Ibotta
 I'm a little bit obsessed with my Ibotta app. Especially right now when there are a ton of great deals! If you have no idea what I'm talking about, here's the Ibotta gist in FAQ form: What the...
Essential Rewards: March 2018 Box
It's Lincoln's favorite time of the month: when the Young Living essential rewards order comes in! He just loves opening up those tubes and seeing what's in them. Then he likes to play with the...

Systems of Equations: Bingo Activity
We made it to spring break! Hallelujah! But seriously, the last few weeks? Crazy Town. Absolute Crazy Town. We're at that time of year when suddenly that whole idea of "testing" seems to come out of...

What baby items do you really need for a newborn?
I've got a whole slew of friends becoming new moms this year, and some of them have asked me what baby items I needed/didn't need when Lincoln finally got here. You see so many lists during...

Dealing with Pregnancy and an Anxiety Disorder
Lincoln will be two and a half in a couple of months here. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. Newborn Lincoln, and even Baby Lincoln, seem like they were part of a lifetime ago. It seems...

Project Life: Bathtime Fun
I have been so bad this last year at keeping up with our family's Project Life. If only there were like six more hours in the day, I could get so much more done! Also, looking at this date, how in...

Classroom Movement Activities: Walk Arounds
We had a short six-day mid-winter break this week, and it cut right into the last bit of my Pythagorean Theorem unit. Rather than go ahead with teaching the last section (rational/irrational numbers...

5 Reasons to Join Usborne Books & More
Have you heard of this thing called Usborne Books & More? If you have kiddos, chances are you've come across the name at least once in the last few years. If you don't have kids, you might not...

Young Living’s New Savvy Minerals Starter Kits
Um. Shut the front door. Right now. Young Living has come out with new starter kits. That alone is awesome. But way more awesome is that they are filled with the Savvy Minerals products– the all...

Crazy Cool Finds Roundup | 5 Finds for January
This month I've stumbled across some seriously cool new thingamajigs. Here's the roundup! Note: This post contains affiliate links. What are affiliate links? Basically I link to something I've tried...

Lincoln at 12 Months | Digital Baby Book
I congratulated myself a year ago on how awesome I was to finish Lincoln's baby book (the digital scrapbook, project life type version at least) within a couple months of his first birthday. "Go...

Today we are stoked about Legos (Lincoln), a new Instant Pot (me!), a fancy bluetooth speaker (Chris), and getting to spend time with the best extended family in the world (all three of us). Merry...

The Wonders of Manuka Honey
A few months ago I was chasing DIY facial cleansers down the Pinterest rabbit hole when I came across manuka honey. I'd never heard of it before, but from what I read, it's supposed to be flipping...

One (for one more day)
So Lincoln turns 2 tomorrow, somehow. Chris and I are both still shocked we've made it to this point. While it seems both forever ago and like last week that we were sitting in a hospital bed...

My Favorite.
One of my current favorite things about Lincoln lately is when he tries to tell me about his day. He's at the point where he talks in sentences... but deciphering all the words is not an easy task!...

All Boy
I'm a guest designer for Paislee Press again this month, and I'm having a blast getting back into my scrapbooking supplies. I didn't have a lot of time this past year, what with teaching and toddler...

Scrapbook Page: Lincoln’s 1st Birthday Campout
Well, he may be closer to 2 than 1 now, but I got the page done! 🙂