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Typical Saturday in June
Today I took no pictures.I think this is the first day since Lincoln was born that I can say that.As I sat down to write about the day tonight, I reached for my phone to upload some pictures to go...
Sewing is the new math class
Wow, today was exhausting. Not only is it state testing week for us, but during the non-testing parts of the day, we're doing Mother's Day projects with the kids. One of my fellow teachers is doing...
Cloth Diaper Update (a.k.a. the We Love Thirsties blog)
Back here I wrote about our experience with cloth diapers thus far. At the time I was still torn between which brands were my absolute favorite. But now, five months in, I am definitely sure that...

Lincoln at 5 Months
Oh, my tiny little monkey. I just love him so much. He wants to crawl so badly, and he is interested in everything all the time. I never thought babies could be so alert and inquisitive until this...
Going oily
All righty, people, I've taken up distributing with Young Living. If you're unfamiliar, Young Living is one of the top two companies selling 100% pure essential oils. (And you want the pure ones,...
Sunday sleep-in
This morning all three of us are lounging in bed, recovering from a big family wedding weekend. Lincoln pretty much didn't nap at all yesterday, so we're trying to give him as much time as possible...

Lincoln at 4 Months
Oh, this stinking cutie. I can't handle him sometimes. I feel like he has an old soul. Maybe it's the hair, but he really seems so much older sometimes. Not the times he's screaming his head off...
Happy April
Someone suggested I do a Lincoln calendar, so here's the first month! I'm excited to put these up in my classroom; my 7th graders go ga-ga over Lincoln every chance they get. 🙂
Sometimes when I go into Lincoln's room at night, I just stare at him. I mean, he is an actual live baby that is mine. That is crazy. I voice this to Chris frequently, and he just looks at me like...
Around here…
Around here, we are playing Baby Signing Time a lot. Like, to the point that when I'm at school, the lines running through my head are "These are the pets I love, bird, bird, bird, bird, tweet tweet...

Lincoln at 3 Months
Little Monkey's three month page came together quickly. He's up to so much these days, it was pretty easy coming up with some journaling for this page. 🙂
Lincoln Update: 15 Weeks
Our happy baby boy is up to all kinds of new things these days! Obviously he's sitting in his Bumbo these days. Chris was at Target this week and bought a tray accessory for it and Lincoln LOVES...
Project Life 2016: Week 3
Before I had a baby, I would often run out of pictures to put in the weekly project life page. Yeah, not so much anymore. Now my problem is that all my pictures are of the same subject! It is...
Tomorrow I go back to work.I'm about as ready as I possibly can be. I've got my list of things not to forget tomorrow (pump, parts, bottles, laptop, lunch, lots of water), and I'm only slightly...
Cloth Diaper Update
We love cloth diapers!Here's Lincoln in one of our faves, a Thirsties all-in-one.When we decided to do cloth diapers back in... oh, I don't know April of last year (like a month after we found out...
Friday Photo Shoot
Lincoln got to go to school to see all the kids again today. I took him with me to watch my students run laps for the jogathon, on this, my last day of maternity leave. I go back to work officially...

Lincoln at 2 Months
Finished Lincoln's 2 month page. Such a difference in his expressions from 1 month. He's all smiles and smirks and blue steel in these photos. Much better than the perturbed expressions and...
Paislee Press Submission
Project Life 2016: Week 2
Week 2! Soooooo much less journaling than Week 1's page. A currently card sums up a lot of it, and the big journal card goes over Lincoln's current sleeping schedule. Among other things this week, I...
Project Life 2016: Week 1
Week 1 has tons of journaling, because I added in my blog post about my One Little Word this year. Way more journaling than is usual for me.This week also includes the story of Lincoln's first...