We're back from NYC! Oh, you didn't know we were gone? Yep! Details and more photos to come.
Bride + Groom + Bathtub = Awesome
We had our first wedding of the season this past Saturday up in Rancho Bernardo, and it was an amazing one to kick off the crazy summer wedding...
The end of the year.
At our last staff meeting of the year, we were asked to write two things on "the wall," a giant piece of butcher paper that serves as a sort of...
Friday Night
It's Friday night. I've been laying in bed since around 5pm, relishing in the fact that it is indeed Friday, and I can officially be sick. Got hit...
Blog Update, what?
No, seriously. Somehow I've found myself with a "free" night.On a Wednesday.That's in the middle of the week, if you're counting.So technically, I...
Three Years Later
We returned to our engagement shoot spot, this time as photographers ourselves. Just over three years ago, we were engaged and standing in front of...
Ten on Tuesday
1. It has been almost two months since my last post! Sometimes I lay awake at night and think about the things I would have blogged if I had time.2....
Plotting the succulents while our two babies watch from afar.
January Goals + One Little Word for 2013
Here we go, January! Rather than make sweeping declarations for the entire year that I know I'll fall short on, we're going to take it one month at...
New Year’s Eve: A Low Key Affair
New Year's Eve was certainly quiet at our house. We tried to scrape some plans together sort of last minute, but it the end, all our peeps were also...