Oh, my goodness, we are at November already.So much for my commitment to blog more frequently. My last post was August 24th!So here's just a quick...
Life right now.
Well, school's back in full swing again! This is my first year teaching my regular math class while simultaneously being a mama, and I fully expect...
Tuesday blues
It is 8:54 and I have achieved my main goal of the day by being in bed before 9. I am so thankful this day is over.Lincoln woke up around 4am and...
Typical Saturday in June
Today I took no pictures.I think this is the first day since Lincoln was born that I can say that.As I sat down to write about the day tonight, I...
Sewing is the new math class
Wow, today was exhausting. Not only is it state testing week for us, but during the non-testing parts of the day, we're doing Mother's Day projects...
Going oily
All righty, people, I've taken up distributing with Young Living. If you're unfamiliar, Young Living is one of the top two companies selling 100%...
Sunday sleep-in
This morning all three of us are lounging in bed, recovering from a big family wedding weekend. Lincoln pretty much didn't nap at all yesterday, so...
Around here…
Around here, we are playing Baby Signing Time a lot. Like, to the point that when I'm at school, the lines running through my head are "These are...
Cloth Diaper Update
We love cloth diapers!Here's Lincoln in one of our faves, a Thirsties all-in-one.When we decided to do cloth diapers back in... oh, I don't know...