As usual, Christmas has been a long, slow day of relaxing, eating, and opening presents at Chris' parent's house. The usual suspects are here: mom...

Lincoln at 11 Months
11 months! How is that even possible! Products used: Liz Tamanaha's Paislee Press & Project Life kits

Lincoln at 10 Months | Digital Baby Book
This baby continues to grow and grow. Luckily his joy and easy-going personality are growing, too! It's hard to believe his digital baby scrapbook...

Lincoln at 9 Months
Still going strong with this baby book project!

Lincoln at 8 Months
Slowly but surely... 😉  At 8 months, Lincoln... - weighs 14 pounds, 10 ounces - pulls himself up on things easily - has started searching all the...

Baby PSA: Plagiocephaly
Our little monkey's rocking some new head gear these days. Something they don't mention at the hospital when they let you take your lovely...

Lincoln at 7 months
Again, behind with the months, but I'm slowly catching up! Lincoln turned 7 months on June 15, just in time to kick off the summer! Here's his...

Lincoln at 6 Months
So, Lincoln actually turned 7 months a few days ago. But as our May was crazy, and the beginning of June was all about the final push to the end of...
Cloth Diaper Update (a.k.a. the We Love Thirsties blog)
Back here I wrote about our experience with cloth diapers thus far. At the time I was still torn between which brands were my absolute favorite. But...

Lincoln at 5 Months
Oh, my tiny little monkey. I just love him so much. He wants to crawl so badly, and he is interested in everything all the time. I never thought...