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Catching Up
One of my favorite things about summer break? Having time to sit down and work on this year's Project Life album.I've got lots and lots of journaling to catch up on over the last few months. I'm...
Wrapping up the school year
Sigh. I loved my 8th graders this year. Like, really, really loved them. I would keep them all again for next year. In fact, I wish they would never grow up and I could always teach them things.They...
13 Weeks!
The bump is beginning!
It’s Official!
At the beginning of the year, in my “What I hope for this year” post, I mentioned we were going to start trying for a baby this year. Well, I’m happy to report that it did not take long at all! As...
8th Grade Antics
Found during fifth module. I’m proud they know how to work graphing calculators, right?
Happy 4th Birthday to Us!
It’s Valentine’s Day, which means it marks one more year that Next to Me Studios has been in business. We now have a four-year-old company, huzzah! To celebrate, Chris changed up all the main photos...
Valentine’s Day 2015: What I Love
Here are some random loves of mine right now:1) Chris! (Okay, not so random.) Love that guy! We went and had our Valentine’s dinner date on Thursday night because neither of us want to go out on...
Monday Out
Today one of my lovely 8th graders brought us all flowers in the morning. Super sweet, and made me realize today would be great! Well, it changed my attitude toward Monday morning at least. Crazy...
Project Life: Week 3(ish)
What happened this week:I was sick and my voice was gone for half the week * Our Christmas tree was still up * Chris worked at his computer and Jack wheedled his way onto the desk * my students...
Busy Starts.
Lots going on around here: we’ve had a busy start to 2015.Luckily, we’ve got a break this weekend! Looking forward to a restful weekend, because let’s just say that someone didn’t quite get as much...
One Little Word: TODAY
It’s December 31st again, what? This year has flown by, and I’m excited to get into the next one. Usually I’ve got a touch of seasonal depression around this time of year, but I’m feeling really...
So this was quite an amazing Christmas for me; my husband’s parents got me a Silhouette Cameo! I was not expecting this, so suffice to say I could barely finish unwrapping the box when I realized...
Happy Christmas!
From the T family! We’ve had a scrumptious time eating delicious food and enjoying each other’s company and thoughtful gifts. Lots of creativity-enabling gifts all around this season, so it’s sure...
This & That #1
1. I have been trying to catch up on NCIS lately. Finally made it to the part of last season where Ziva’s replacement shows up. I really, really wanted to hate her, but darn it if they didn’t come...
Fall is for Football
It’s gotten a bit crisp around here. Perfect for going out to the field after school and watching my 8th grade boys play flag football! Man, if you want nostalgia, watch a middle school football...
Ten on Tuesday
1. Where in the world does all my time go? I just want time to sit and do nothing! (End of rant; if I let myself continue, it’ll take up the other 9 items.)2. What we’re learning in class: In Math 8...
4 Years.
Today one of my 8th graders asked who my best friend was. “My husband!” I said. (Obvi, As the 8th graders say.)Who else is going to cheese ball around with me like this?Or this?Or how 'bout this...
This week in 8th grade…
My last class surprised a birthday girl who came late by pretending to be deep in thought on the warmup when she came in, only to start playing Dora the Explorer’s happy birthday song insanely...
Life of a Photographer
It ain’t easy being a photographer…But sometimes there’s a photo booth. (This one specifically is the fantabulous AmigoBooth, which we offer in our wedding packages. I’m not biased in the slightest...
A September Day in the life
7am: Wake up!7:40am: Arrive at school. On this particular day I was all set to prep some stuff, but a parent came in to chat and I just barely got the warmups passed out before my kids showed up at...