Awww, it's baby Lincoln. Gosh I miss that baby. (For the record, two-year-old Lincoln's pretty rad, too. But geez...
Lincoln at 12 Months | Digital Baby Book
I congratulated myself a year ago on how awesome I was to finish Lincoln's baby book (the digital scrapbook, project life type version at least)...
One (for one more day)
So Lincoln turns 2 tomorrow, somehow. Chris and I are both still shocked we've made it to this point. While it seems both forever ago and like last...
My Favorite.
One of my current favorite things about Lincoln lately is when he tries to tell me about his day. He's at the point where he talks in sentences......
Scrapbook Page: Lincoln’s 1st Birthday Campout
Well, he may be closer to 2 than 1 now, but I got the page done! 🙂
Lincoln at 15 months
Oh my goodness, this kid is so much fun these days. 1) He loves doing chores. It started with the broom. He loved carrying the broom around. He'd...
The end of nursing
This week I nursed my baby for the very last time. Tears. Not going to lie, I still feel a bit in denial. Like we're just taking a bit of a break,...
Lincoln at 11 Months
11 months! How is that even possible! Products used: Liz Tamanaha's Paislee Press & Project Life kits
Lincoln at 10 Months | Digital Baby Book
This baby continues to grow and grow. Luckily his joy and easy-going personality are growing, too! It's hard to believe his digital baby scrapbook...
Lincoln at 9 Months
Still going strong with this baby book project!