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Around Here

Just to show a few things going on currently….Hand cutting classroom decorSeeing Once in a giant group, including Daniel and Jackie.A new baby Holz! Seen at the beginning of year school...

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The Beginning

It’s that time again!Pull out those uniforms, kids, and make sure you’ve got yourself enough pencils to the last year!(No, seriously. Please make sure you get enough pencils to last the whole year....

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Texas: Day Four

Lunch at Stubb’s, sunbathing at Barton Springs, happening upon an Austin summer concert at Zilker Park, and sushi takeout and drinks to finish up the day. Oh, and lots of Studio App love. ;)Barton...

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Texas, Day Three

Still in Austin. Today we did lunch at Hillside Farmacy, went to the LBJ Museum and the Capitol Building, watched the bats fly from the South Congress bridge, and finished the night off with Thai...

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Last day of school

It's been a bittersweet and crazy week.Monday: Graduation practice and Field DayThey had to play this really ridiculous relay where a pop can was suspended between two players holding a piece of...

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Math Libs

Details to come… This is the final product from a big review activity we’ve been doing the last couple of days.UPDATE: So here's how this activity works. You need LOTS of word problems. This review...

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Sugar and Drama

Today was a rough teaching day.We had a virtual mall type thing at school today to raise money for our Ecuador fundraiser. Lots of kids out on the playground selling little trinkets, nachos, root...

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Friday morning.

Best time of any weekday is the 20 minutes before school starts. It’s quiet. The room still looks good. It’s not too hot yet.Then the kids come in, and it’s seven hours of chaos from then until...

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This guy…

… Has the weirdest sleeping positions. This one is the, “It’s too hot to sleep normally with the sun streaming in this window, but I’m going to lay here anyway.”

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Saturday Night

Baby sis came over tonight to talk works cited pages and exit loan quizzes. She graduates college next month, what the heck?I seriously can’t believe she turns 25 this month. Wow. She used to be...

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Project Life: March

We had a ton of fun visiting Salvation Mountain and the Salton Sea over the weekend. We actually ended up visiting Salvation Mountain on the day there was a memorial for the artist, which was crazy....

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