(This morning, Chris asked me in a weird voice: “Do you know you’re tweeting pictures to Next to Me Studios?” And I said “Yes, of course, I think I know where I’m tweeting, sheesh.” And he replied that Robbin’s Brothers had re-tweeted my picture tweet, which we both thought was pretty cool. And also? Free publicity to a diamond ring store. Heck yeah. If that’s not awesome fortune for a photographer, I don’t know what is.
At home: I tried to mimic Sam the Cooking Guy’s salt and pepper shrimp, only it came out awful because I used the same amount of salt and pepper that the recipe for a pound of shrimp called for, even though I only had about 15 shrimp left in the bag. Because I’m a smartie like that. Chris came in and discovered a shrimp on the floor, that Jack must have jumped on the counter to get and disliked enough to knock it off and then run away. Chris rinsed away the salt and pepper and broke it into pieces and then Jack was all over it. Sawyer, on the other hand, kept looking at Chris like, “Are you freaking kidding me? I’m not eating that,” every time Chris held it out to him. I think he’s very sensitive to the garlic smell. So Jack ate the whole shrimp by himself.
Later that night, Ryan came over and the three of us had a good old fashioned camp out at the dining room table with our laptops. I got through almost half of Trinity’s newborn photos while we dined on carrots and broccoli, Trader Joe’s cookies, and delightful peach champagne. Chris also taught me how to use the remote on our new cameras, but those are pictures for another day. The cats, meanwhile, spent a rewarding night creating epic scenarios involving the two bags Ry brought with him. I don’t know why we spend money on real cat toys.