Took the CSET on Saturday, as you know. It was pretty awful. I definitely feel the first time around I got really lucky on a lot of the questions asked, especially the Constructed Response at the end. KICKING myself for being SO CLOSE to passing the first time around. This second time, while I was obviously more prepared for the content, the questions seemed way more difficult. I breezed through the first ten or so, feeling pretty good about life, until I got to number eleven and had no idea what they were talking about. That was followed by about fifteen more questions that got left with question marks for the second time through. And don’t even get me started on those Constructed Response questions. I stared at one, in which I had to prove to lines were parallel (seemingly easy, right? Except they gave me NO information that I could use to prove it), for so long that I memorized it, copied it down for our math guru Domingo at the school, gave it to him on Monday, and he still hasn’t solved it. (Though he says he’s close- the last step just hasn’t come to him yet.) So…. no idea if I passed or not. I was able to go back to all the multiple choice questions and figure them out to the point I got an answer that was one of the choices, but that test’s so evil they might have figured out I’d get that answer and threw it in there to screw with me. Je-erks.
It’s Veteran’s Day today, and I am seriously enjoying my day off. Chris is stuck at work, however. Poor guy. After I finish this much needed post, I’m going to go get me some lunch and come back to lesson plan and start on a research paper for my class. My lesson plan is on theme, and I’m using our English curriculum at school, as well as some of my tenth graders, to write a whole lesson plan and then film me giving part of the lesson. It’s a good thing I work at a school and have tenth graders at my disposal every day.
We’re in escrow again! Yup, yup, we’ve snagged another condo. And this time we’re doing the appraisal first. But we both feel pretty confident with this one, and it’s super cute! Trying hard not to think about color schemes and decorating while I’m falling sleep at night… just in case. If all goes well, we’ll be able to move in during Christmas break.
Chris won’t eat frozen vegetables. This is a dilemma, because as we all know frozen vegetables are easy, cheap, always available, and have the same nutritional value as fresh veggies. Did I mention they are easy? And making dinners using only fresh vegetables does not work for me. Fresh vegetables spoil way too fast! Â And he made me promise I would never sneak frozen veggies into his meal. My culinary skills are being squelched.
We’ve been watching Netflix a lot lately. We have our Wii hooked up to Chris’ computer monitor, so all the Watch Instantly movies are available to us all the time. We’ve especially been on a documentary kick lately. Documentaries you need to see: I.O.U.S.A. (Wow. I can’t believe people aren’t aware of this or trying to stop it, it’s so crazy) and No Impact Man (this guy decides for a year he will make no negative impact on the environment- really fun filming and story line).
I got cute boots yesterday. At Ross. I love Ross. They just opened a new one near our house and I took a tour yesterday. I ONLY went in for boots, so even though I was walking around with a cute boots, cute belt, and cute sweater combo for the majority of the time, I sacrificially put back the belt and sweater. I didn’t need them. (And yes, I needed the boots.) Even if they were cheap, as everything at Ross is and that’s why I love it so.
WHY won't he eat frozen veggies? LOL
I'm with you on the frozen veggies. The fresh ones spoil too fast, and then I end up not eating any. Frozen are so much more convenient! So… good luck with that man of yours. 😛
haha my husband wont eat frozen veggies either!! I've been buying zuchini and squash, its easy to make and they last for about a week in the fridge. I usually use one for each dinner but switch every night with a different one 🙂
I'm sorry the CSET didn't go so well, I hope you pass!!!!!!!
I looove Ross too! I need new boots, take a pic of them!
You guys are great! Chris says he's going to get on here to write his rebuttal. Sarah, he doesn't like zuccuni either! It's like the only vegetable he won't eat, and I love it.
Freezer compromises taste. Good chef's only cook with the best and freshest ingredients. BAM! Lawyered.
I am so proud of you for doing the CSET again! I'm so impressed by your dedication in studying and pressing onward! You are a conqueror!
I have wasted more money in fresh veggies than anything because they sit in the fridge for too long! I need a life coach to help me plan meals. Are you interested? There's a position opening with little pay. 🙂
We heart instant Netflix too! Pass along any other recommendations you have and we'll FB you with some goodies we run across too.
Hang in there on the escrow! We have sooo many stories and heartaches but we got the house we endured through HECK over. 🙂 You'll get the right one for you.
Thanks for the encouragement, sarah burmeister! Definitely you should watch the ones I mentioned.
Lizzie, our Wii is hooked up to the monitor. It actually doesn't go through the computer at all, we just plug in the red/yellow/white cords. Gotta view it somehow. 🙂