So we had a splendid Thanksgiving break. We shot a wedding in Palm Springs last Saturday, then we both had the whole week off for the holiday. Since we were already in Palm Springs, we decided to make a real vacation out of it, especially considering we hadn’t really done much for our one year anniversary in September.
This first day we didn’t do much but relocate from Palm Desert (where the wedding had been the day before) to actual Palm Springs, about a half hour drive down Highway 111, have lunch at the Fisherman’s Grill with Chris’ parents who came down from Redlands to meet us, and have a dinner of appetizers at Morton’s with Kris and Becky, who also came from Redlands to meet us.
The next day, Monday, we toured downtown Palm Springs and discovered there really isn’t much to do there anymore. Apparently it was hopping in the 50’s and prior. Not so much now. But we made do with the quaint town. We ate lunch at Lulu’s, then set out down Palm Canyon (aka Highway 111) in search of a Christmas ornament to commemorate our trip. Unfortunately, no non-gaudy ornament could be found, so I’ll be looking online for a cool ornament to remind us of our trip. We decided while at the Palm Desert Target the day before, in the Christmas aisles, we would try to get an ornament any time we went to a new place. (This idea may or may not have sparked from a tradition Kris and Becky currently have…)
Mostly we just took pictures in cool places when we could find them. Once it got dark, we tried to find fun things to do, but like I said, Palm Springs just ain’t what it used to be. We tried to be the cool green smoothie drinking hipsters that we are and tried to check out this juice bar down the street from our hotel… but it was completely closed down. As were many other things we tried to check out. Closed down or closed on Mondays. Almost always one or the other. But we had fun just being with each other, not working, relaxing, not working, enjoying the sunshine, and most importantly not working.
Did I mention that I had put Chris on a strict no-working regimen for our week off?
And did I also mention that I woke up one morning to find him typing up a new blog post for Next to Me Studios? He even had the audacity to brag that he was working while I was asleep.
Chris thinks the bird above is a roadrunner. I had no idea roadrunners just ran around posing for pictures!
This is the time Chris stuck his hand right into my picture.
The Living Desert is a small zoo in Palm Desert. We hung out here for a couple of hours on Tuesday before our drive back home. It was pretty cool to see leopards and bald eagles and giraffes for just $14!
The Living Desert also had this crazy huge train set. It was bigger than our house and had a replica of the Grand Canyon and Mount Rushmore, among other little scenes of small town Americana. I think Chris is hailing the train in the pic above.