Soooooooooooooo tired. We just got back from Katie and Mike’s wedding, which we’ve been photographing since 9am! My legs… I can’t feel them anymore.
But here’s a quick update on life as we kick off October:
1) I finished my teaching credential requirements! I literally got my TPA 4 score back less than 24 hours after I sent it in. Holy expedient assessors, batman!
2) And, with perfect timing, I got a call for a teacher interview for CSSD. It’s tomorrow, and I’m a lot less nervous currently than I’ve been all week. Of course, this is just the first interview. It’s the second one I hear that’s nice and terrifying.
3) Chris and I had our one year anniversary about two weeks ago. I really, really wanted to post something profound and amazing, but that TPA was just kicking my behind. Short version: I really love and adore that guy.
4) We’ve been quite books photography-wise lately. We had a one-year-old shoot, twin newborn shoot, today’s wedding, and a wedding this coming Friday, all in a two week time span! I’m so tired.
5) How I Met Your Mother came back on two weeks ago. I freaking love that show.