Well, the husband just went to have some fun with the guys. Only not his guys, my guys. Yes, I have guys. They are the guys I grew up with, went to school with, spent many formative years with, played basketball with, played video games with, made home movies until 3 a.m. with, etc. They’re my buds.

And now they’re Chris’ buds too, so I guess they are our guys now. Anyway, they all rock.

They’re having a guys’ night poker and beer thingamajig to celebrate Justin, Jesse, and Justin’s cousin Brandon’s birthday, no girls allowed.

S’okay. I’m studying Statistics and Data Analysis, which I picked up at the library today and am hoping will demystify the last part of CSET Subtest II for me. Which is tomorrow. Thank goodness it’s almost over. I’m ready for life again!