We’ve decided to go the cloth diaper route, for a couple of reasons.
1) They’re way too cute.
2) Hello, money saver?
3) We’re all about the good ol’ environment.
When I started researching cloth diapers, I was a bit overwhelmed. I couldn’t figure out how they worked. Then I realized there were different kinds with different functions: all-in-ones, pockets, fitteds, blah blah blah. So I read blogs, watched youtube videos, and read Amazon reviews, and I think I now, finally, have a handle on this whole thing.
One of the first things I learned was that most cloth diapers come in a “one size fits all,” which is awesome for saving money in the long run. But apparently most of these diapers don’t fit the newish newborns all that well, so it’s very recommended to have specific newborn diapers on hand for the first couple months.
We’re not really into the idea of buying a whole diaper system for just a two month stint, so we’ve chosen to mostly go the prefolds with covers route in the beginning (Thirsties Duo Wraps to be specific). Then I learned about fitteds that can be used inside the covers. And then I learned you could make fitteds out of adorable flannel.
I’m a little addicted. But seriously, how cute is that flannel?!
Right before school ended, I scored with a huge fabric sale at Joanns. Flannel was 70% off, and I paid around $2.30 a yard for it. Best. Sale. Ever. I got 5 yards at that sale and I’m kicking myself for not getting more at the time. I’ve managed to get about three diapers per yard, plus a couple of liners just because there were leftovers.
The plan is to use these along with a stack of prefolds for the first couple of months while baby is still a teeny tiny little thing and not yet fitting in the regular diapers. Most of them have no attachments, since my plan was to just use Snappis to hold them in place, but I discovered some velcro in my stash so I did some experimenting with the last couple. Not sure if I love it or not, mostly because I can’t test out if I’m placing the velcro right or not. For all I know I’ll have to cinch the diaper much tighter than the velcro will allow to get a good fit. Guess we won’t know until November!
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