My husband Chris hales from the delightful town of Redlands, California. Redlands is this cute little place about two hours northeast of San Diego and it was there that the Ch(K)ris’ met as youngsters, attended their cute little Christian school, played basketball and football together, and overall solidified their best friendships.
We go to Redlands and it’s neighbor town of Yucaipa quite often, because Chris’ parents live in Yucaipa, and two of the Ch(K)ris’ still live in Redlands.
Chris Moses and his adorably pregnant wife Shay are one of the families living in Redlands, so when we were up two weekends in a row (once for their baby shower and once to celebrate Chris and his uncle’s birthdays) we did their maternity photo shoot. We originally had it scheduled for just the first weekend, but it rained and we were stuck inside and around their house for most of the shoot. And although we got some pretty great pictures in their cute neighborhood, my Chris had his heart set on shooting photos of them in downtown Redlands. So we tried again the second weekend.
In case you’ve never been in downtown Redlands, let me describe it for you: Freaking adorable. And so photogenic! They have railroad tracks, abandoned warehouses, the most intricate library I’ve ever seen, and an outdoor amphitheatre– all of which served as backdrops for our second shoot.
It was awesome. I’m really sad we can’t drive everyone we take pictures of up to Redlands.
( To see the whole shebang of pictures, go to my brand new Shutterfly picture sharing site. )
I give you Chris and Shay Moses + Baby Moses!