Here are some random loves of mine right now:1) Chris! (Okay, not so random.) Love that guy! We went and had our Valentine’s dinner date on Thursday...
Monday Out
Today one of my lovely 8th graders brought us all flowers in the morning. Super sweet, and made me realize today would be great! Well, it changed my...
Project Life: Week 3(ish)
What happened this week:I was sick and my voice was gone for half the week * Our Christmas tree was still up * Chris worked at his computer and Jack...
Busy Starts.
Lots going on around here: we’ve had a busy start to 2015.Luckily, we’ve got a break this weekend! Looking forward to a restful weekend, because...
One Little Word: TODAY
It’s December 31st again, what? This year has flown by, and I’m excited to get into the next one. Usually I’ve got a touch of seasonal depression...
Happy Christmas!
From the T family! We’ve had a scrumptious time eating delicious food and enjoying each other’s company and thoughtful gifts. Lots of...
This & That #1
1. I have been trying to catch up on NCIS lately. Finally made it to the part of last season where Ziva’s replacement shows up. I really, really...
Fall is for Football
It’s gotten a bit crisp around here. Perfect for going out to the field after school and watching my 8th grade boys play flag football! Man, if you...
Ten on Tuesday
1. Where in the world does all my time go? I just want time to sit and do nothing! (End of rant; if I let myself continue, it’ll take up the other 9...
4 Years.
Today one of my 8th graders asked who my best friend was. “My husband!” I said. (Obvi, As the 8th graders say.)Who else is going to cheese ball...