Tomorrow I will be 29, which I’m not very happy about. I don’t feel 29. I certainly don’t think I act 29. So how is it possible that I’m 29? I just don’t get it.

In an attempt to be more cheerful about it, I’ve looked through my pictures over the last year to see what I’ve accomplished. It hasn’t been that bad of a year. And at the same time, it was the hardest year of my life. I live a paradox.

What I did in my 28th year:

1) Celebrated turning 28. Chris turned our garage into a ghetto birthday room where our friends and family enjoyed food and drinks and some old school Nintendo.

2. Left my amazing job of 3 years to move on to my very own classroom. I will always be a Woodmanite at heart, though. I’ve gone back about 3 times this last year just to eat lunch with everyone like old times.
3. One of my best friends, Jenna, got married. This is not Jenna. This is the giant teddy bear that sat at our table with us.
4. I started my first year of teaching. This is what I looked like the first day. Too tired to even change out of my school clothes. This teaching year was by far the hardest thing I’ve ever done. But I totally did it.
5. Oh, yes. This year I learned how to make bomb salads.

6. Saw Les Miserables. It fully rocked.

7. We got real adult furniture finally. I can say now that our house is actually furnished with new items, not our college items.

8. I spent many a night at my desk looking at this kind of scenario: a lesson plan on the right, and a good episode of How I Met Your Mother on the left.

9. My team won the coveted gold at the school Olympics. Take that first year!

10. We started drinking green smoothies.

11. We vacationed in Santa Barbara for a week. Took the train up and walked everywhere. It was delightful.

12. Snuggled with this guy. Repeatedly.

13. Tried to love running. It did not work.

14. Started Project Life.

15. Got my wisdom teeth out. This event is represented by Jack, who stayed with me during my bed rest and caught up with Once Upon a Time with me.

16. Attended my good friend Jeremy’s wedding. Sorry, Jer, I was too far away to get good pics of you. But here’s a cute one of me and Chris! (Did I mention this was two days post-wisdom teeth?)

17. Celebrated every half day like it was Christmas break.

18. Went kayaking with Chris for the first time.

19. Stayed home by myself for an entire week while Chris was gone at a conference. (I’m such a big girl/I hated the whole week.)

20. Actually grew things this year, to the point that we could actually harvest and eat them. Huzzah!

21. Saw West Side Story with the T family at the Pantages.

22. Welcomed a new baby Cowen…

23. … and a new baby Holz.

24. Said good-bye to my first class of students.

25. Went to New York!

26. Saw Newsies…

27. … and Matilda

So… yeah. All in all, a pretty packed year. Didn’t realize I’d seen four musicals this year! And we had two vacations! And this summary of events really makes it look like I didn’t spend almost every waking moment prepping for school. Retrospect, huh?