Slowly but surely… 😉

 At 8 months, Lincoln…
– weighs 14 pounds, 10 ounces
– pulls himself up on things easily
– has started searching all the drawers and shelves in the house for interesting things
– plays independently for long periods of time
– lights up when he spots mama
– got sick for the first time (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is no joke!)
– ate dirt for the first time
– loves pulling his books off the shelf
– hates to be on his back for diaper changes
– weighs 14 pounds, 10 ounces
– pulls himself up on things easily
– has started searching all the drawers and shelves in the house for interesting things
– plays independently for long periods of time
– lights up when he spots mama
– got sick for the first time (Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is no joke!)
– ate dirt for the first time
– loves pulling his books off the shelf
– hates to be on his back for diaper changes

He is a ridiculously happy baby. We are so blessed to have such an easy going guy. Hoping that part of his personality sticks for the long run! 😀