In case you don’t know me personally, this is how I feel about August 8:
Yep, that’s how it goes. Midnight to midnight.
Today’s festivities included going to work and getting balloons, a lovely plant that Michelle swears is impossible to kill (going in my new classroom!), and getting a homemade farewell cake from several of my students.
Then I came home and refused to do any work. No photo editing. No lesson planning. I surfed the internet. I read some blogs on google reader. I looked up cool ideas I haven’t had time for lately.
Then Sonia came and picked me up for a little teacher shopping (she was shopping for Paul). After a trip to Staples, Target, Joann’s, and Target again, I came out ahead with a full supply of green binders for each of my units, an awesome stapler, and dry erase markers and crayons (thanks to my roomie Sonia who grabbed them for me as a birthday gift). We went out for frozen yogurt and sat out in the car talking for awhile, and I just freaking love that girl. : ) It’s so great having good girl friendships.
When I came back home, I found a lovely card from my husband! It was full of loving loveliness just for me. Thank you, Chris, I love you too!
And now here we are, nine minutes till August 9th. I’m officially 28. It’s already proving to be an intense, nerve-wracking, exciting and scary, crazy fun and crazy stressful year. Am I ready for it? Sometimes I think I am, and sometimes I think I’m going nuts with the pressure. Luckily I have a wonderful husband who thinks I’m going to have an awesome year, and delightful friends who encourage and support me daily.
So here’s to the 29th year of my existence. (This is me clinking my peach champagne at the screen.) Cheers!