It’s taken me a lot longer to get Suttyn’s baby book underway. Funny how an older sibling makes things like that more difficult.

But, I finally made some time to get on that first layout.

Digital Girl Baby Book Scrapbook

Just like with Linkon’s baby book, it took some time on this first page, as I played with the different poses we’d done during her first photo shoot. To simplify things, I based most of the layout on her brother’s as far as the major stuff—the month number photo, the from-above photo with room for all the new stats, the photo on the chair with the Brave pillow. I also used some of the same elements from Liz Tamanaha’s Project Life and other digital sets, then found some more girly filler pages.

I’m not totally in love with this one, to be honest. I may end up re-doing it later, as I get more into a groove with the other spreads. I also decided the flower blanket underneath her is too busy, especially on the left page, so her latest monthly shoots have been done with a solid cream-colored blanket instead. Just like Linkon’s baby book spreads, Suttyn’s month 1 spread will have a slightly different look from the rest. And my OCD side is letting. it. go.