Another new thing: Apparently we’ve had delicious smelling jasmine right outside our door this whole time. The whole thing bloomed recently and now we come home to yummy flowery smells. Last night I stood outside the door as the sun was going down and it was seriously like magic. I love our house!
Let me tell you some background about this next picture. We had this awful little filing cabinet that was just awful. Awful awful awful. I’ve had a pile of files on the corner of the desk for weeks because I hated the idea of using that awful filing cabinet. All that changed this weekend when we became the owners of the beautiful and free four-drawer cabinet. Oh, it’s so wonderful. I spent a glorious two hours yesterday transferring and updating our files. (Yes. I am that kind of a nerd.)
We’ve embarked on the project of photo wall. We’ve got lots of frames and lots of pictures. Too many as we’ve found. It’s hard deciding with will go up on the wall o’ awesomeness. (And that blurred blob you see sitting on the couch, outside the doorway? That’s C playing Halo 3 still.)
Also loving my craft area. It’s eclectic and colorful and I love it.
We also recently inherited this kitchen block. Thank goodness. because we needed some more storage for kitchen stuff. My favorite part of this is the bowl of lemons.
Heh heh, if only you had left me some homemade lasagnas in the freezer ready to bake, I'd feel like Joey to your guys' Chandler and Monica… except the hallway is a few miles long. 😛