Saturday day night we went out to Jamul for an ice cream social to celebrate my very first ever roommate’s birthday. Woo-hoo!
I’m not going to lie, making that drive up Skyline had me missing the old camp days. It didn’t matter that it’s been five summers since I worked there; driving up that hill felt just like driving up every Sunday afternoon with my truck filled with fresh clothes and snacks. As I told Chris when we got to to the top of the hill, and looked down over the misty valley, God lives in Jamul. It’s true.
We had a splendid time hanging out with Sonia and Paul, Jeremy and his girlfriend Sarah, Jared and his adorable daughter (who calls Sonia Mo-Geek, for Monique), and Krista and Jon. Settlers of Catan was the game of the night, but we had to play in teams since there were more than six of us. I’m not going to lie- I was a little concerned how Chris and I would handle both trying to control our team’s strategies and moves. We are both way too competitive for our own good. Surprisingly, our strategies matched almost the entire game, and we ended up blowing everyone else out of the (Catan) water. Go, team, go!
And since this post is about Sonia’s birthday, and not our awesome teamwork skills, here’s some Sonia-centric posts I dug up from years past:
Adventures with my Roomie
Adventuresome Times
Last Night at B22
This is what…
Hmm. Half of these posts have the word adventure in them. I think that may say something about Sonia’s personality….